The Transportation Office at Hunter Army Airfield handles moving and Household Goods (HHG).
Where do I start?
Bring 3 copies of your orders to the transportation office. There, we will help you with everything else. We have all the forms you need, instructions, and can answer any questions you may have.
Who do I call?
If you are leaving a post, call the outbound phone numbers.
Stewart: 912-767-8154/7971
Hunter: 912-315-3028/3828/2038
If you are arriving at a post, call the inbound phone numbers.
Stewart Inbound: For those whose last name begins with A-L, call 912-767-8130
Stewart Inbound: For those whose last name begins with M-Z, call 912-767-2889
Hunter Inbound: 912-315-3028/3828/2038 (same as outbound)
Having issues with your moving company? Need to make a claim?
Call Quality control:
Fort Stewart: 912-767-4211
Hunter: 912-315-4928
Need a Passport? Tickets?
Call 912-767-6943/6967 for Stewart, 912-315-5528 for Hunter
HAAF Service Box: Phone: 912-315-3028, location: 171 Haley Ave, Suite 229 Bldg 1286 HAAF Hours: 0800-1530
Source: Transportation Office Website