Childcare Resource & Referral will assist you with selecting your child care needs within the Mid-Atlantic Region. This Region provides high quality, developmentally appropriate programs from pre-birth to 18 years of age including: Child Development Centers (CDC); Child Development Homes (CDH); Child Development Group Home (CDGH); Child Development Youth (CDY) which include School-Age Care (SAC), and Youth Programs. We are currently involved in a pilot program called Parents as Teachers—Heroes at Home. This pilot program offers a unique opportunity for parents of children (pre-birth to 36 months) to partner with experienced parent educators that will assist in developing a personalized home learning plan for you and your child. The Parents as Teachers—Heroes at Home program is offered to you at no charge.
R&R Benefits:
- One-stop shopping for all your childcare needs
- Coordinates availability of childcare to meet specific family needs
- Provides information on all child and youth programs
- Provides criteria for evaluating child and youth programs
- Offers fast, convenient service by phone, fax, e-mail or in person
- Affordable care based on household income
- Provides checklists for interviewing potential in-home providers
- Assist personnel in locating childcare at their next duty station.
Source: Navy MWR