The All Faith Chapel Office at NAWS China Lake, located between the East Wing and Main Chapel, is open 0730 - 1630, Monday through Friday. The office is closed on flex Fridays.
Catholic Mass
Monday-Wednesday: 1200
Sunday: 0900 and 1900
Sacrament of Reconciliation: Mon- Wed 1130-1200 & Sat 1430-1530
Muslim Jumaa Prayer
Friday: 1300 at Religious Education Bldg
Protestant Service
Sundays: 1030
Children and Adult Sunday School: 0900 at the Education Bldg
Please call for Jewish service schedule.
Baptisms and marriages are performed on request. Please call for more information.

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3 Reviews
Father Jim what a blessing! We met to plan memorial services for my dad a WWII veteran. It was a difficult time for me. Father was knowledgeable, easy to talk to, comforting, & even humorous. He expressed God's love to me. Also the musicians, including Father Jim, & the cantor who performed at the service were such a talented blessing, made the service beautiful & lifted us up. Father Jim knows & loves God & expresses God's love to people. We are blessed of God to have sent Father Jim to us.
posted almost 7 years ago
Probably the best Catholic Priest that our base has had in my 50 years here. Attentive, kind and caring; Father Jim is easy to identify and communicate with, for both military and civilians alike. Special attention for children, the elderly and those serving our country. Thank you Father!
posted almost 8 years ago
The priest at the chaple is a loving, kind, intelligent and understanding father with a love for God and God's people.
posted over 8 years ago