Equipment Rental
Are you in need of the right equipment when planning a camping trip, a large scale cookout, or other recreational activity? Or maybe you need some lawn and garden help? Then stop by Equipment Checkout to pick up the items you need. Outdoor Rec carries supplies for camping, boating, surfing, outdoor sports and much more. We have it all, from mountain bikes to BBQ grills, wetsuits to lawnmowers, even campers! Most items can be checked out for a day, a weekend, or an entire week.
Equipment Maintenance
Our experienced mechanic at Outdoor Recreation is available to provide oil changes, blade sharpening, equipment assembly, and required maintenance. Call Mike at 606-5908 or come by Bldg. 10250, to make an appointment!
Adventure Programs
Providing local area recreational outings such as Deep Sea Fishing, Sailing, Hiking, Skiing, Volkssport, White Water Rafting, Horseback Riding, Sailing, Bicycle Tours.
Vehicle Resale Lot
If you would like to advertise a used vehicle for sale, stop by or call the outdoor recreation for the necessary forms to get started.